About: The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of lives…one heart at a time. Since 1954, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel.
Vision: To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.
Mission: To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
Strategy: We seek to make disciples through our strategy of engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.
Pennsylvania Ministry: God is moving mightily in Pennsylvania and the local ministry continues to grow! Our current staff team of 45 is serving coaches and athletes in over 236 certified ministry environments across the state. Additionally, Pennsylvania is home to a robust camp system, which is impacting well over 1,000 campers each summer. While the majority of the ministry is currently taking place on campuses, FCA is expanding the vision to include other sport environments like club/rec, outdoors, action sports, etc.
Join the Movement: To learn more, contact Southwest PA Multi-Area Director, Art Broadwick, at abroadwick@fca.org or visit our website at www.pennsylvaniafca.org.